Outdoor Connect Christian Academy TK-6
A place where teaching and learning takes place outdoors
(619) 867-5133
Transitional Kindergarten:
Available to 4-year olds who can demonstrate academic and social-emotional readiness for the program. A complete teacher’s evaluation form must be submitted if the child has attended Preschool. If the child has not attended preschool, you must make an appointment for a short interview and evaluation of your child.
Children are eligible if they turn 5 years of age on or before September 1st. Students must complete a placement test to receive an individualized curriculum. A complete teacher’s evaluation form must be submitted if the child has attended Preschool. If the child has not attended preschool, you must make an appointment for a short interview and evaluation of your child.
Grades 1st-6th:
New students must submit a copy of report card from the previous school along with application form. After application form is submitted and accepted, new students must complete the placement test (August 3-7) to receive an individualized curriculum. Placement Test fee $35.
Registration dates: August 3-22.